Early in themorning, and the sun hasn't even come out in the sky yet. However, millions of people have just woken up to start their work day.
Most of them, they drink a coffee, they wear a shirt, and they get in their car, making their way to an office. Most grumbling because they are forced to wake up too early.
Several meters above the height of the cities, in one of the large or smaller mountains of Greece, a farmer is already taking his first break for a brunch. He's woken up hours early...
Most breeders remember to do this job since they remember themselves. They've learned it since they helped their father every day. They love this job despite its difficulties. It's their life. They grew up in animals, and learned to understand them, love them and communicate with them. Like everyone else we learned to do with other people so they understand animals individually.
For them, the word "everyday" has its full meaning. They do not know the concept of "day off", they do not take leave and in the holiday season nothing special changes for them. Christmas, Easter, summer or winter are there, 365 days a year. But the animals are waiting for the breeder. Every day, every morning, every afternoon and night.
Without counting the weather or the time, cold or hot, snow or drought, at three noon or three o'clock in the morning, Winter-Summer continue a profession bequeathed to them from generation to generation.

In Greece, livestock farming is one of the most important productive sectors. The nutritional value of milk that feeds generations and generations, the delicious cheese and dairy products that we all enjoy, but also the economic importance this has for rural areas and the food chain as a whole must not be forgotten.
So let us think for a few minutes about a different everyday life from all the others. Let us not forget the difficulties of this profession. A profession difficult, tedious, and often lonely. A profession that's not for many...
Because this is the life of the ranchers. The daily struggle is tough, and the conditions are harsh. A life, no rest, no interruptions, but with plenty of fatigue and loneliness.
All of the above are condensed into each piece of cheese, every spoonful of yogurt, and every sip of fresh milk. This makes dairy products so valuable...