
Where quality and tradition matter

Η εξυπηρέτηση που παρέχουμε στους πελάτες μας παγκοσμίως είναι ανάλογη του υψηλού επιπέδου των προϊόντων μας. Με αμεσότητα και υπευθυνότητα, αυξάνουμε διαρκώς τις εξαγωγές μας, έχοντας ως απώτερο σκοπό τη διάδοση των ελληνικών προϊόντων σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.

Ήδη, τα προϊόντα μας διατίθενται, με μεγάλη απήχηση, στον Καναδά, την Κύπρο, τη Γερμανία, την Αγγλία, την Ολλανδία, το Βέλγιο, την Πολωνία, την Αυστρία, την Ελβετία, τη Δανία, τη Γαλλία, τη Σλοβενία, και τη Βουλγαρία.


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For any queries with regards to exports and international distribution, you can reach out to us.

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They’ve said about us

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"Congratulations on your products, and most of all your yoghurt! Our baby eats your yoghurt since the age of 6 months! If we give him any other, he doesn’t have a bite! It’s unbelievable! We now buy them by the dozen so we don’t run out. Congratulations again, amazing taste and texture!"

Mina Rapti

"In a crisis-ridden Greece, businessmen like George Meleneklis prove that in order to build a successful business, you don’t need a huge capital. You need to set goals and respect your customers by offering them a high-quality, 100% local product."

Melina Kritsotaki

"It should be taken into consideration that the latest scientific researches show that cow milk is a product that is not compatible with our bodies’ needs. It is goat milk on the other hand which shows significant similarities to features of the breast milk, such as the ability to retain calcium within our body more efficiently."

Giorgos Lambiris

"Entrepreneurship in today’s Greece is in crisis. Yet there still are businesses that manage to shine, using fresh, natural and high-quality raw materials and exhibiting professionalism and creativity."
